Posted by Tentickle on 09 Feb 2017 under Tentickle Bedouin Tents News
Tentickle Stretch Tents
The question used as the headline of this blog post is one that we’ve been asked a number of times by potential customers all around the world. But what many of them don’t know is that this is question that we relish, and one that we have (in our opinion) a darn good answer for. This is because when we are asked “why do business with us”, it gives us the opportunity to highlight not just our stretch fabric events tents, but it also allows us to introduce people to our world-class Tentickle team and outstanding customer service. So without further ado, let’s jump right into why we are possibly one of the best tent manufacturing, rental and sales companies in the country (if not the world).
Posted by Tentickle on 23 Jan 2017 under Tentickle Bedouin Tents News
The New Marquee – Tentickle Stretch Tents
For a long time traditional marquees were the only option for functions, events and parties. They were hugely popular, and while they definitely still have a place, the stretch bedouin tent has revolutionised the event industry.
The rigid structures of traditional marquees with their pitched roofs and white walls were commonplace at large outdoor event. The boxy marquees, while popular are quite restrictive. While available in a variety of sizes, they come in one shape – a rectangle – and because of the way in which they are setup they offer far less flexibility than stretch tents.
Posted by Tentickle on 18 Dec 2014 under South Africa, Tentickle Bedouin Tents News
For most South Africans snow is a mystical thing that only ever happens on some distant mountains and most often involve a long car trip to get to them. Then after hours in the car (and queuing behind everybody else looking for a snow day out) you finally reach the top of the middle of nowhere mountains to discover that the snow is actually only a few sporadic patches that are already melting.
Snow storms are a lot less pictureseque than this nativity scene set up by our supplier in Stockholm
And to be honest most of us like our snow that way – a long way away. After all one of the greatest things about living in South Africa, besides its people, is the amazing weather! Who doesn’t love long hot summers and relatively mild winters? While those from Jo’burg or the high veld who scrape frost off their cars once in a while might take issue with calling our winters mild, they are truly mild winters. Unlike those in the Northern climes, our weather warnings generally are limited to wear a jersey or put some extra sunblock on.
Posted by Tentickle on 09 Feb 2014 under Bedouin Tent Rigging, South Africa, Tentickle Bedouin Tents News
For the second year in a row, Tentickle Tents was at the Ultimate X Games at the Waterfront and witnessed some of the most amazing tricks and skills form the leading extreme sports people in South Africa. If you were not there then you really missed out!
Check out how we set up for this great event:
1. First we lay our tents on special ground covers to protect our tents and get the shapes right:
Posted by Tentickle on 11 Jul 2013 under South Africa, Tentickle Bedouin Tents News
Do you know what the differences between marquee tents and Bedouin tents are? No? Well then look no further than this article as here we explain what each type of tent is and why they actually do differ quite vastly and perform specific functions that can compliment your function or event needs.